NBA ClikPICT can be used with a video digitizer to capture still images as PICT format files for use in HyperStudio.
When you click the 'Use this NBA' button below, a dialog appears that allows you to set the parameters you like. If you choose the "Take Picture" radio button, a PICT file is saved immediately upon calling the NBA. No video window appears on screen.
If you choose the "Show Picture" radio button, the video digitizer window appears. Click anywhere on the HyperStudio screen to grab one frame of the digitized video input as a PICT file. You may click more than once to save a new image over the old one. Click in the video window's close box to end the ClikPICT button action.
If you choose the "Digitizer Options" radio button, the digitizer window appears and your digitizer's options panel also appears, allowing you to modify the digital image you see. When you close the options panel, click anywhere in the HyperStudio window to "snap" the picture and save the PICT file. Once the digitizer panel is closed, the NBA works as it does with the "Show Picture" radio button described above.
In each case, the PICT file will be saved with the title you specify on the same volume as the stack containing this NBA.